One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

One Piece vs. Naruto: 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

Naruto and One Piece may be two of the biggest anime series of all time, but that doesn’t mean their fans always see eye to eye.

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One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

The anime community is impassioned, to say the least. With a constant flow of creative and inspired Japanese materials at one’s fingertips, many anime fans often need to find an outlet for all their pent up energy and ideas. What better place to do that than the internet and what better avenue for unbridled creativity than flame wars?

Anime fans, in particular, are a breed so attached to their beloved fiction, that they are often the first comments out there to defend whatever body pillow art happens to be under attack. To fan the flames a little more, this list will be showcasing the memes of one of the community’s greatest debates, One Piece vs. Naruto. With a few shots from sister series, here are 10 memes to make fans pick sides.

10 Here We Go Again…

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

One Piece certainly has some very big numbers to make its fans very comfortable. In one of anime’s most infamous cases of confirmation bias, the more self-entitled One Piece fans are those quick to pull out the series’ longevity and sales numbers to back up a successful franchise that so-clearly doesn’t need their help.

Really, is there anyone out there who’s been convinced to love an anime just because its creators are making money? That’s like saying McDonald’s is a five-star restaurant just because it’s the world’s largest fast-food chain. One can like McDonald’s, but no one’s exactly looking like a connoisseur by preaching about it.

9 We Need a New Idea for Naruto!

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

Naruto, go home. You have a problem. If there was anything to shut away new and old fans alike, it’s making them watch the same episodes and scenes over and over again for over a decade. Especially during the Great Ninja War, it became abundantly clear that series had an unhealthy obsession with its first few episodes (especially that swing scene).

It’s understandable that, at various points in the anime’s run, it ran too close to the manga, so the animator’s needed to extend material a bit. However, couldn’t they have at least done this by fleshing out scenes or taking a detour with an interesting filler (even a half-interesting filler)?

8 When Someone’s Trying to Convince You to Watch One Piece…

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

One doesn’t need to be old Cap to be too old to watch One Piece. Given its exponentially lasting run, it’s probably going to be a series to outlast everyone.

It doesn’t exactly need fans to sell it by flexing how it’s the “bigger” anime, and it certainly isn’t a series that one can hide how big it is, even if it can make a person cry over a ship. If there’s one thing to give Naruto fans, it’s the fact that they don’t have to sell the series by either selling or hiding how big and successful it is.

7 Please, Watch One Piece! Please?

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

One Piece, in all honesty, is a series that could genuinely be enjoyed by more people, especially in the West where its success hasn’t exactly been carried over. However, it’s not exactly going to get a better deal by its fans begging.

While it may seem like an insurmountable task to get your best friend or little brother or sister to watch your favorite Japanese cartoon, it’s a little counterproductive to make it seem like watching has to be this favor or act of charity.

6 Me, Trying To Enjoy Naruto

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

Naruto is a series that can very easily enter an entrancing and immensely frenetic pace that can more than drive its audience with adrenaline. It’s just a shame, however, that many of its best highs are once again afflicted by flashbacks.

Naruto is having an intense fight with the main villain? Boom. Flashbacks of him being made fun of in school. Sasuke is using a new and powerful Jutsu? Boom. That one time Itachi flicked his head. Sakura finally does something interesting? Boom. The swing comes back. It’s almost like the latter half of the series is constantly fighting with its first half for attention.

5 Which Button?

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

Left or right. Red or blue pill. Door numero uno or dos. There is a hard choice to be made, and it can only be one or the other… for some reason. Does one press the Naruto button and dedicate their life to ramen, sexy Jutsus, and Naruto running? Or do they press the One Piece one and wear straw hats, sing Bink’s Sake, and draw X’s on their arm? It’s a moral and ethical choice of the ages that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

4 When a Giant Monster Attacks…

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

Going back to the idea of different aesthetic sensibilities, the creatures between Naruto and One Piece are incredibly different in both design and tone. Naruto’s are typically high detailed with serious tones tying into ominous Japanese mythology. One Piece just has giant fish versions of dogs, cats, and cows roam the sea.

While the sentiment and even the danger between giant monsters may be the same, there are very good aesthetic reasons why Naruto will consistently be scared and Luffy optimistic.

3 Maybe Next Time

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

However, as inspired by Goku as Naruto is, all the way down to the appetites and even the orange suit, he still hasn’t had the benefit of getting to meet his Shonen mentor one-on-one. The same can’t be said for Monkey D. Luffy, who doesn’t have just one but two crossover anime specials with the legendary Saiyan, as well as a crossover manga edition.

Luffy has not only had the chance to eat alongside Goku, but the two have even fought in arena combat, though Toriko would also be offering a helping hand, and Goku never really used any of his higher levels. Still, Luffy has had more official screen time with the godfather of Shonen than Naruto.

2 One Piece is Better.

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

For those of you thinking that Batman would have your back on Naruto, then think again. The Caped Crusader only sees the Straw Hat captain as an equal rival in the greater anime plot to become the #1 selling graphic novel of all time.

This frame is also the ultimate response to anyone trying to state that Naruto is better. The argument is simple: One Piece is better. Wise words from the world’s greatest detective.

1 Have You Watched One Piece?

One Piece vs Naruto 10 Anime Memes That Make Fans Pick Sides

One Piece is the best selling manga across the world and has an anime community with nothing but undying adoration for it. With that being said, at this point in its run, it certainly isn’t gonna do a great job at making new fans.

With over 800 episodes and nearly 1000 manga chapters, One Piece simply can’t just be something that a new fan will like. It is an entire commitment that will rob days upon weeks upon months of life to try and catch up. In short, One Piece isn’t short.

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