Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Invincible: His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Mark Grayson and his successors have worn a few amazing costumes over the years, though they aren’t the only well-dressed heroes in his universe.

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Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley’s Invincible from Image Comics introduced a new teen hero as he developed his powerful abilities and entered into the life of a costumed crimefighter that explored common comic book tropes in new ways. This made the character both instantly familiar and excitingly groundbreaking.

The Invincible universe has its own unique costume styles that homaged classic suits with modern designs that were usually created by Art Rosenbaum, the Grayson family friend and costume creator who equipped not only Mark Grayson with one of the best superhero costumes in the modern age, but also a number of other characters in his universe as well.

10 Invincible’s Best: Classic Costume

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Mark Grayson’s first official Invincible costume was also his best, though it did go through a few tweaks and improvements over the years that were easily explained by Art’s constant streamlining of the costume that indirectly referenced Ottley’s frequent reworking of the suit.

The costume nailed the character’s iconography right off the bat, and each alteration to the costume made it slightly better as the kneepads were simplified and the finger-less gloves were removed only to return with a comeback later because Mark thought they looked cooler, and we have to agree.

9 Universe’s Best: Bulletproof

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

When Mark’s superhero father Nolan first introduced the rookie superhero to Art, he tried on a few costumes that included an orange and yellow suit with unique goggles and discs that also served as energy storage devices that were created before Art understood Invincible and his father’s powers.

The costume was one of the first concept designs for the character of Mark, though after he settled on his more iconic costume the original was then given to Zandale Randolph/Bulletproof, who also wore a version of the Invincible costume when he worked for Mark and Eve’s security company.

8 Invincible’s Best: Second Costume

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

In true superhero fashion, Invincible received a brand new costume (created by the always experimental Art) to celebrate the hero’s fiftieth issue, which dramatically changed his appearance and colors for a sleek and dark suit.

The blue and black costume featured simpler lines and a shirt and tunic instead of the previous bodysuit design, and while Grayson eventually returned to his classic costume, the blue and black suit would return in different forms during the “Invincible War” storyline where alternate reality Graysons were introduced by enemy Angstrom Levy.

7 Universe’s Best: Atom Eve

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

One of Invincible’s earliest superhero allies was his former classmate Samantha Eve Wilkins, who was a member of the Teen Team known as Atom Eve whose ability to reorganize matter on a molecular level made her one of the most powerful heroes on Earth.

Atom Eve’s costume featured a modified bodysuit with a unique design that focused on cute, as evidenced by the light pink coloring and short cape that she retained for years, though she would modify the costume depending on the needs in battle or with a later skirt addition that still stood out amongst the crowd of heroes.

6 Invincible’s Best: Viltrumite Emperor

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Mark Grayson wore a few different costumes after he extended his reach beyond Earth and began fighting alongside the Coalition of Planets, which earned him an official uniform that came complete with his own half cape.

However, it was after Grayson became the leader of the surviving Viltrumites that he took on the ruling uniform of their Emperor that he finally moved away from the superhero look. Unfortunately, he didn’t pair his royal uniform with the hide of Battle Beast like the former Grand Regent Thragg, but he still looked good.

5 Universe’s Best: Rex-Splode

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Invincible allied himself with heroes on the Teen Team like Rex-Splode, whose abilities to kinetically charge objects and turn them into explosive weapons was reflected by his well-designed and functional suit.

While it paled in comparison to some of the flashier superhero costumes that appeared in Image Comics’ superhero universe, it featured clean lines that suited the character well and looked amazing with a little bit of battle damage. Rex-Splode never changed or altered his costume during his time as a hero, because “if it ain’t broke…”

4 Invincible’s Best: Kid Invincible

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Mark Grayson wasn’t the only character to take on the name of Invincible over the course of his long-running series, as it covered decades with a number of time jumps that led to the introduction of his child, Markus Murphy.

While Markus’ relationship with his father was strained due to problems between his parents, when his Viltrumite powers kicked in he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps with an updated version of his classic costume that he wore as Kid Invincible before taking on his father’s name for himself, though he struggled to live up to the legacy as Earth’s Invincible.

3 Universe’s Best: Omni-Man

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Mark inherited his powerful abilities from his father Nolan Grayson, who arrived on Earth as a scout for the Viltrum empire before he took on his own superhero identity as Omni-Man and received his first of many costumes from Art.

The Omni-Man costume was bright and caped and reminiscent of classic hero archetypes like Superman while also becoming recognizable in its own right. Omni-Man would change his costume a few times over the years when he abandoned Earth and joined the Coalition of Planets before he adopted the Viltrumite Emperor’s royal outfit.

2 Invincible’s Best: Invincible 2.0

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

Terra Grayson was the daughter of Mark and Eve who was mostly raised out in space with her parents as they lived first with the Coalition of Planets and then alongside the nomadic Viltrumite Empire as they traveled the universe to help other civilizations.

Terra would eventually find her own path after her powers developed, though she would also continue her father’s legacy when she adopted her own futuristic take on the classic Invincible costume that followed her mother’s costume cut while making it her own as the galactic Invincible.

1 Universe’s Best: Young Omni-Man

Invincible His 5 Best Costumes (& 5 From His Comic Universe)

After Nolan Grayson left Earth, he fathered another child on an alien planet that aged at a much faster rate than humans and Viltrumites, so he was brought to Earth to be raised alongside Mark by his human mother, who named him Oliver Grayson.

Oliver eventually followed his father and his brother in their superhero careers when he received his first costume from Art to become Kid Omni-Man. It was the second version of his costume that he wore as Young Omni-Man during the Viltrumite War that perfectly evolved the original Omni-Man costume for Oliver before he graduated to his Coalition of Planets uniform.

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